Why is there mould on my dried flowers?

Why is there mould on my dried flowers?

A dried flower bouquet can be a beautiful addition to your home, incorporating splashes of seasonal colours and a touch of nature into any living space. Compared to fresh flowers, they require less maintenance, but it is still crucial for you to care for these blooms to ensure there longevity. Furthermore, they are just as susceptible to mould and disease, which means that if you neglect their care, it is likely that they will become infected by mildew. 

So how can you prevent this? 

If you notice mould on your flowers, what should you do? 

In this article, we will guide you through maintaining your dried flowers, including practical tips to help you prevent moulding and effective methods for eliminating mildew if it rears its ugly head.

Causes of mould on dried flowers

In order to prevent mould or mildew from growing on your flowers, it’s essential to understand how it is caused in the first place. 

This is mainly due to your flowers being left in an environment that provides the ideal conditions for mould growth. This can be anywhere with poor air ventilation or excess moisture, such as a bathroom. 

It is also possible for dried flowers to already have mould spores before the drying process, which can lead to mould formation later on - if you plan on drying your own flowers, it is vital to check the petals beforehand to prevent this. 

How to get mould off dried flowers

If you have noticed a build-up of mildew on the petals of your dried flowers, there are two main methods you can use to remove this: 

Remove mould with sulfur dust.

Our preferred method of mould removal is using sulfur dust, which can be found in your nearest garden centre. You must wear protective gear, such as gloves and goggles, when handling the sulfur dust, as it can irritate your skin and eyes if it comes into contact with them. 

Using some form of brush or cotton swab, gently brush the moulded petals with the sulfur dust. You should see immediate results using this method. Just ensure that you remove all the dust from the flowers before returning them to their original position in your home!

Remove mould with salt.

If you are unable to get your hands on any sulfur dust, there is an at-home method that you could use instead.

All you have to do is pour salt into a large bag or container and place your dried flowers on top, covering the petals with the salt. Then, being as careful as possible, shake the bag or container so the salt can lightly scrub away the mould or mildew.

How to prevent mould on dried flowers

If you have recently bought or been gifted a beautiful bouquet of dried flowers, you must understand how to properly care for them. This will ensure your flowers remain beautiful and mould-free for as long as possible!

Regularly dust your dried flowers.

The first tip is to dust or clean your flowers regularly. This will discourage the growth or build-up of dust and mould, meaning your flowers' appearance will remain in top condition. However, take care when handling your dried blooms, as the petals can become delicate and easily damaged. 

Here are two methods you can use to dust your flowers:

  1. Using a hair dryer on the lowest possible setting, gently blow away any dust that has collected on the petals of your flowers. Ensure you are not using any heat on the flowers, which could lead to potential damage. 
  2. Using a duster or cloth, gently brush away the build-up on your flowers. Doing this regularly can not only prevent mould growth but can also simply maintain your flower's gorgeous appearance. This method is best for bouquets or sturdier stems. 

Keep your dried flowers out of direct sunlight

Unlike fresh flowers, dried flowers do not enjoy being kept in direct sunlight. In fact, it is the complete opposite. When exposed to sunlight, the colour of your dried blooms will start to fade quite rapidly, which is not ideal for keeping your flowers bright and beautiful. It can also cause your flowers to become brittle, meaning they will be damaged and not in an ideal condition for keeping in your home. Therefore, try and avoid placing your flowers in open windows or on sides where they will be exposed. Instead, find a dry alcove or shelf where you can beautifully display your flowers without causing them any damage. 

Keep your dried flowers away from humidity and moisture

You may be used to watering your fresh flowers, so you might think this is also needed when it comes to dried flowers. But this is not the case! In actuality, you must keep water away from your dried flowers at all costs. This is because all the moisture is evaporated from the blooms during the drying process, and this means that if your flowers are exposed to humidity or moisture of any kind, they will rot. This isn’t ideal, as it will ruin the appearance of your flowers, so make sure you keep them in a water-free environment. 

Store your dried flowers properly

This may seem like an obvious tip; however, this can often be noticed if you are not careful. The environment in which you place your flowers will play a key role in whether or not they are exposed to conditions in which mould and mildew can thrive. 

As we mentioned before, it is crucial that you avoid humid environments, such as a bathroom or attic. If your flowers come into contact with any moisture, they will likely begin to rot, making them unpleasant to look at. 

Place your flowers in a well-ventilated area of your home, away from humidity and direct sunlight, to ensure they thrive for as long as possible. 

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