Are dried flowers bad for cats?

Are Dried flowers bad for cats?

Do you have a cat that loves chewing just about anything it can get its hands on? Especially things that they definitely aren’t supposed to? Unfortunately, this is just one of the many pleasures of being a cat owner! For the most part, this is just harmless fun, however it is important that you keep a close eye on what exactly your cat is chewing, as ingesting the wrong substance may put your cat at risk of poisoning, or bring on a myriad of other feline health problems. 

When it comes to dried flowers, there are two issues involved: the flowers themselves, and the materials used to make them. You would be surprised over how many different types of plants/flowers are toxic to cats. In this article, we detail some of the most common poisonous flowers to avoid if you are a cat-owner, but if you are still worried over how safe your dried flower arrangement is, it is best that you do your own research beforehand, or if necessary contact your vet directly.   

Even if you are extremely careful with your choice of flowers, there is the chance that your cat may still try and chew on them. The act of chewing is compulsive in cats, and is mostly a way for them to provide themselves comfort. It can also be a sign of boredom! However, chewing on even the most safe flowers would be a problem, as it would implement folic acid into their diet. The result of this would be significant stomach issues (yes, we are talking about a lot of vomiting and diarrhoea), so it's best to always try and keep your dried flowers away from your feline friends.

What flowers are toxic to cats?

There are a significant number of flowers/plants that are dangerous to cats, and to err on the side of caution it is always safest to do your research before bringing any floral arrangement into your home. 

Here are some of the most common unsafe flowers for cats:

  • Lilies 
  • Anemones
  • Hyacinths
  • Irises 
  • Crocus
  • Gladiolus
  • Amaryllis 
  • Daffodils
  • Digitalis (foxglove)
  • Chrysanthemums
  • Lavender
  • Cyclamen
  • Azaleas
  • Poinsettias 
  • Rhododendrons
  • Tulips

Of these, the worst flower a cat owner can have is lilies. Despite being beautiful in appearance, these blossoms are particularly harmful and toxic. Although you may find that your kitty is disinterested in chewing on them, there is still the risk that they will come into contact with the flower’s pollen - which is the most toxic part of the flower for them. Nearly every species of lily is considered a threat to the well-being of your cat, so it is best to avoid all kinds of lilies altogether in order to ensure the safety and well being of your animal. 

If you notice any sudden change in your cats behaviour, or suspect them of having ingested/come into contact with any of these flowers, please call the Animal PoisonLine (APL) at 01202 509000 or visit their website at for more information.   

What flowers are not toxic to cats?

Whenever you bring a flower or plant into your home it is always best to look up whether or not they are safe for your kitty. To give you some peace of mind, we have accumulated a list of flowers that are non-toxic to cats, to give you an idea of which dried flower arrangements would be safe for your home. 

  • Freesia
  • Orchid
  • Roses
  • Snapdragon
  • Sunflowers
  • Wax Flower
  • Greenbell
  • Statice
  • Lisianthus
  • Liatris
  • Gerbera Daisies
  • Marigolds 
  • Jasmine
  • Hibiscus

As you can see, there are a wide variety of many beautiful flowers that are not toxic for your cats. But, whichever ones you do choose to bring into your home, it is always best to try and keep them somewhere out of reach. This way you can still bless your home with a stunning dried flower arrangement, whilst also keeping your kitty safe!

Can cats chew on rose petals?

Whether it's summer or winter, one of the most common flowers people love to bring into their home is roses. This is still true when we think of sending flowers to someone we love - a nice dried flower bouquet that includes white roses would make for the perfect pick-me-up. There are hundreds of species of roses, and even more subspecies so it's no wonder they are so popular all year round!

Due to their popularity, it is only natural to wonder whether or not these flowers are safe to have around your kitty. And the answer is, fortunately, that roses themselves are not poisonous to cats! However, this doesn’t mean that they make a good chew toy, as your pets can still experience an upset stomach if they consume too many. However, overall, the petals and thornless stems of roses are safe for your feline friends!

How to stop your cat from chewing on your flowers

The best route to take if you are a cat-owner is to only purchase plants or flowers that you know to be safe. Still, this won’t necessarily mean that your cat will not try and chew on any dried flowers that you do bring into your home. In this case, there are steps you can take to try to keep your cats as safe as possible. 

  • Keep your floral arrangements in cat-proof places - I know this seems like an impossible feat considering cats like to explore just about any crevice they can find, but maybe try placing them on a high shelf, or in a room that is often closed!
  • Try to redirect their behaviour onto a different object - consider buying an abundance of cat-specific chew toys - or if all else fails, spray cat-nip in an area away from your dried flowers
  • Invest in cat grass - plant eating is a very normal behaviour in cats and isn’t something you should be concerned about, unless the plant is poisonous to them. Cat grass is the perfect alternative if your feline is adverse to chewing on your dried flower arrangements, and can easily be grown at home. 

In order to be a good pet-owner, it is essential to prioritise the safety of your cat when considering what dried flower arrangements you want in your home. As long as you do your research, and only bring in dried flowers that are non-toxic to your cats, then you should be good to go! Obviously, accidents do happen, so just keep track of your cat's habits, and if you notice any sudden changes in your cat's behaviour, or if you notice an influx in vomit or diarrhoea, then call your vet immediately - or, if it’s an emergency then access a pet helpline! 

Frequently Asked Questions around: Are dried flowers bad for cats? 

Why is my cat eating dried flowers?

Chewing/eating plants is a very common behaviour in cats, as it provides them with vitamins that are normally absent in their everyday diet. Not only this, but cats typically find comfort in chewing, and can also be a symptom of boredom!

What are symptoms of plant poisoning in cats?

If you suspect your cat of having ingested a poisonous plant or flower, or have noticed a significant change in their behaviour, it is important that you get in contact with your vet as soon as possible! Other symptoms include: excessive vomiting and diarrhoea, breathing difficulties, frequent urination, drooling, or signs of overall weakness.  

Do cats know not to eat poisonous flowers?

Normally, cats are very intuitive, and careful about what they are eating. This means that poisoning is very rare. However, if you have recently gotten a kitten, they may not be as careful, so to ensure their safety, it is best to keep an eye on them whenever they are near floral arrangements in your home. 

How long does it take for a cat to start showing signs of plant poisoning?

It can often take a couple of days for your cat to show any signs of plant poisoning, which is why it is important to keep track of what your cat is chewing on/ingesting each day. As soon as any symptoms begin to show, contact your vet - or get in touch with an animal poison helpline!

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